In memory of those we cared for, those we have lost.
Peg Rimler, Bud Lembke and Jeanie G., Authors, actors and friends to me. Milton Matz, rabbi, therapist, playwright, Took a last bow, then left in the night. Our cohort is poorer now that they're gone. Lights may grow colder but memories are warm. So we smile and we talk and nod when we meet, The Show Must Go On - the word on the street. Built this Theater, one brick at a time. All talented people who know how to shine Now they've left us. Now we feel weak. Tonight we remember. Our stage lights seem bleak.
Stu Klitsner, Don Kaplan, Jean Georgakopoulos, Milton Matz, Peg Rimler, Diane Armstrong, Gerry Manata, Wende Heath, Judy Scott